Sunday, April 25, 2010

Good Luck

The other day Natalie and I went up to Highland Park to enjoy some sunshine.  I had recently gotten a good luck tattoo in my armpit.  It's kind of a sarcastic tattoo, but so far it has brought me good luck.  Less than 24 hours after I got it I found 10 dollars on the ground.

The day was really nice.  It was that perfect medium between hot and cold that only happens for a few days out of the year.  We were lounging in the shade and I had the bright idea to look for a 4 leaf clover.  Almost instantly I found the biggest and most perfect 4 leaf clover I have ever seen in my life.  I have never seen a 4 leaf clover in person, but within the period of 5 minutes I had found 4 of them.  I even found a 6 leaf clover! 

I pressed it in my Psych. 101 CLEP study guide.  I needed a 50 to pass the test and I squeaked past the finish line with a 58.  I hadn't taken a psych class in 5 years, but apparently the study guide works.  All I have left is a English exam until I am awarded a degree of engineering.

 Natalie is one of my good friends.  She's always been nice to everyone.  She lets me bug her with my dumb problems and is always kind enough to at least humor me.  Hopefully when I move away from home I'll still get too see her every once and a while.  Maybe my tattoo will keep me safe but a great man once told me, "The harder I work the luckier I seem to get."